The Way Forward Regenerative Conversations

Three Elders explore how to renew the world we helped mess up The Way Forward Podcast is dedicated to Regenerative Conversations about the future of humanity and planet. We think we need to re-think the current paradigm. Each episode explores how we can find a positive future forward for society and for ourselves. We explore the question: What is the Way Forward? We don’t have the answers, but we hope to stimulate all of us to imagine what is possible. We bring a wide variety of guests – including people at the leading edge of their field and willing to think out of the box – and engage into stimulating conversations with them, in a place of open curiosity. Topics will include a wide range of issues including environmental change, technology, governance, organizational design, sustainability, international peace, agriculture, and personal renewal. Alain Gauthier and Dr. John Izzo (the co-hosts) and Jim Burke (the producer) offer together more than a hundred years of organizational experience in the forms of consulting, change facilitation, keynote speaking and research/teaching for a wide variety of businesses, non-profits, government, and universities both in the US and abroad. We would like to thank our sponsors Elders Action Network “Building a movement of elders to address the environmental, governance and social issues of our time“ and Blueprint “Enhancing the well-being of men and communities.” You can reach us at the email address

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Saturday Jul 01, 2023

The Sixties were a time of cultural revolution in the United States that faded into individualism, consumerism, and a move to right-wing politics.  As the Boomer generation become elders, they are faced with unprecedented crisis: climate change has become a lived experience, inequity continues to grow, democracies teeter on the brink and authoritarians are on the rise.
Bill McKibben believes the next 5 years may be the most important in the history of the human experiment. He strongly believes that young people need the support and help of elders with their activism, political clout and unprecedented wealth to transform our world’s future. 
Bill was one of the first voices to write about climate change with his book The End of Nature published in 1989. He is a noted environmentalist and an activist who has authored twenty books including his most recent “The Flag, the Cross, and the Station Wagon: A Graying American Looks Back at His Suburban Boyhood and Wonders What the Hell Happened.”  He founded, Third Act. and led strong opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. 
In this conversation we explore the seismic shift  in American politics and cultural that happen when Ronald Reagan was elected president, what needs to happen for us to win the fight not just the argument on climate change, how younger generations and elders can work side by side to bring about social change, and lessons from Bill’s  lifetime of activism.
Note to listeners: This was recorded in a natural setting therefore the soundtrack contains wind noise and bird songs.
We would like to thank our sponsor Elders Action Network “Building a movement of elders to address the environmental, governance and social issues of our time”.
You can reach us at the email address

Monday Jun 19, 2023

Corporations and businesses have driven consumerism in the United States and the World since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.  Having more and larger has become the sign of success.  Shareholder value, short-term profit and a market-driven economy were assumed to be good for all. 
As the climate warms, sea levels rise, biodiversity declines and income inequality widen we are becoming more aware that we live on a planet with limited resources and environmental tipping points. Many people are beginning to ask the question: What is the role of companies in contributing to this problem and how can they help in finding solutions.
 Andrew Winston and Paul Polman in their book “Net Positive” answer the question How do courageous companies thrive by giving more than they take.  In this conversation Andrew takes us on his journey of writing this book with Paul Polman the former CEO of Unilever where they share the importance of companies taking ownership of all impacts and consequences, operating for the long-term benefit of all, creating positive returns for all stakeholders, driving shareholder value as a result, and partnering with others to drive systemic changes.
 Andrew Winston is a globally recognized expert on megatrends and building companies that thrive by serving the world.  He was named to Thinkers50 list of the top management thinkers in the world. He is the author of the bestsellers Green to Gold, The Big Pivot, and most recently co-authored “Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More than They Take”. Net Positive was one of the Financial Times’ Best Business Books of the Year. Andrew received degrees in economics, business, and environmental management from Princeton, Columbia, and Yale. 
We would like to thank our sponsor Elders Action Network “Building a movement of elders to address the environmental, governance and social issues of our time”.
You can reach us at the email address

Monday Jun 05, 2023

For the last decade democracies around the world have been in a rut not just a simple recession.  In this post globalization world autocrats are waging a sophisticated campaign using new dynamics around information, polarization, and technology.    The tools, and tactics of repression are being exported to many countries creating a pernicious environment, a cauldron that has seen a setback in democracy.  In this podcast Damon describes the state of democracy around the world and the challenges it faces.    He shares with us his belief that Madeline Albright was right, and the future of democracy is bright.  He discusses the importance of non-violent democratic movements and the intergenerational partnerships between youth and elders in the continuing regeneration of democracy.
Damon Wilson, President, and Chief Executive Officer of the National Endowment for Democracy is dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world. NED is an independent nonprofit, bipartisan and transparent foundation that is on the leading edge of democratic struggles in some of the most difficulty circumstances in the world. 
Damon grew up in rural South Carolina in a community with little diversity.  His world change in third grade when his best friend became a boy whose family had fled communist Romania. In high school one of his best friends had fled Iran after the revolution. This led to a long and distinguished career in government and non-governmental organizations. Damon received his master’s degree as the Princeton University’ Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Prior to entering government service Damon worked in Croatia and Rwanda after the genocide.  Damon has held positions in NATO, the National Security Council, the State Department and the Atlantic Council.
We would like to thank our sponsor Elders Action Network “Building a movement of elders to address the environmental, governance and social issues of our time”.
You can reach us at the email address

Sunday May 14, 2023

Forests and trees play a critical role for our planet and the people who inhabit it.  In this conversation we explore Forests as a complex networked adaptive system where relationships are the defining factor in the continuing health of the ecosystem.  Suzanne Simard discusses the importance of these relationships and how our current forestry practices put healthy carbon sequestering forests at risk.  She also discusses her ongoing collaboration with indigenous First Nation people who are interested in the preservation and regeneration of healthy forest ecosystems.
Suzanne was raised in the old growth forests of British Columbia where the forest was both her teacher and her friend.  Her family were early settlers who made their home and their living in these forests.  She describes herself as “lucky to become one of the first in the new generation of women in the logging industry, but what I found was not what I had grown up to understand”.
In her search to understand the truth, Suzanne became a Professor of Forest Ecology at the University of British Columbia and author of the the ground breaking book book “FINDING THE MOTHER TREE Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest”.  She has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles, inspired the Tree of Souls in James Cameron’s Avatar and has had her Ted Talk “How trees talk to one another” viewed by 10 million people worldwide.
We would like to thank our sponsor Elders Action Network “Building a movement of elders to address the environmental, governance and social issues of our time”.
You can reach us at the email address

Tuesday May 02, 2023

In this special edition Dr. John Izzo’s keynote speech launches the Elders Action Networks environmental campaign Take the Pledge.  On Monday, May 1st 2023 the Elders Action Network launched it’s one month-long campaign called Take the Pledge. Our campaign invites elders, their families, friends, and neighbors to pledge to reduce their consumption in five major areas: clothing, food, transportation, e-waste, and one other area of their choice.
Our overarching purpose is to help people realize that the way we live is directly connected to climate disruption and biodiversity loss. We seek to bring consumer literacy to a wider public and encourage people to replace their current habits with a consumption-reduction mentality and regenerative behavior change.  We will examine.
The internal resources we need to effectively awaken our capacities for necessary existential change.
How people can build physical, emotional, and psychological resilience in the face of our uncertain future.
How the experience of our collective action can build community, be fun, improve our health, add meaning and even joy.
How to become a “Good Ancestors” who care deeply about the future of the planet and our youth for the next seven generations.
In this presentation John shares that many people contend that we are living in a unique moment of human history in which people and the planet are threatened by collapsing ecosystems and a growing lack of international cooperation to solve global issues. Yet, the future isn’t set; it is created by the actions that we take and those we fail to take. The present generations have the opportunity to set Earth on a path toward a brighter future. Now is the time to act! In this opening keynote we will discover how we can become Good Ancestors. Dr. Izzo will help us see the major challenges we face alongside hopeful suggestions of what is possible if we act collectively now.
John is a globally renowned bestselling author of nine books, a professional and dynamic speaker, inspired storyteller, and highly acknowledged business advisor. In his career he has spoken to over one million people, taught at three major universities, and advised over 700 top companies on activating social responsibility and purpose worldwide. John is currently an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia, where he is a co-founder of Blueprint, serves on the board of Sustainable Brands and co-hosts The Way Forward Regenerative Conversations podcast.
REGISTRATION: You will be able to join the Take the Pledge Campaign anytime during the Month of May and be able to access all the information, resources, and recordings TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE and receive a full calendar of events
NEXT PLEDGE EVENT: Electrify Everything – Your Home and Your Ride with Robert Whitehair – Friday, May 6th 1-2pm PT /  4-5pm ET
We would like to thank our sponsors Elders Action Network “Building a movement of elders to address the environmental, governance and social issues of our time“ and Blueprint “Enhancing the well-being of men and communities.”
You can reach us at the email address

Sunday Apr 30, 2023

In this conversation, we explore Indigenous World Views as a pathway toward regeneration.  We talk with Lloyd Hansen – a humble, curious, and wise person who has earned the privilege of being called a 21stcentury renaissance man.  He was raised by a minister whose focus was love and social justice.  As a young man he became intrigued by the work of Joseph Campbell ­– which led him to recognize that there were different perspectives possible in seeing and experiencing the world. At age 51, Lloyd was introduced to Peruvian shamanism and began his exploration of Native American wisdom. This profoundly shaped his consciousness and informed his life.  For the last 2 ½ years Lloyd has been exploring the work of theoretical physicist David Bohm. This work along with other studies has Lloyd saying: everything is about relationships, everything is related, becoming fully human is doing the inner work necessary to create and nurture these relationships and transformation emerges from wholeness.
We would like to thank our sponsors Elders Action Network “Building a movement of elders to address the environmental, governance and social issues of our time“ and Blueprint “Enhancing the well-being of men and communities.”
You can reach us at the email address

Friday Apr 07, 2023

In this episode we explore the situation in Russia, Ukraine, and China.  We talk with Brian Finley about Russia’s evolution since the fall of the Iron Curtain. We discuss what has led to the current dilemma we face in Ukraine and how that might end.  We finish our conversation talking about China, how we see them and how they see us. 
Brian Finlay is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Stimson Center; a non-profit public policy think tank in Washington DC.  The Stimson Center promotes international security and shared prosperity through applied research and independent analysis, global engagement, and policy innovation.  The Stimson Center ranks 10th among all US think tanks and among the top 20 defense and national security think tanks globally.
Brian likes to reflect that he came of age during the Cold War and began his distinguished career as the Soviet Union was falling apart.  Brian holds an M.A. from the Norman Patterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University, a graduate diploma from the School of Advanced International Studies, the Johns Hopkins University, and an honors B.A. from Western University in Canada.  Brian has served as Vice President, Managing Director, and Senior Fellow at Stimson. He has also worked for the Brookings Institute and the Century Foundation.
We would like to thank our sponsors Elders Action Network “Building a movement of elders to address the environmental, governance and social issues of our time“ and Blueprint “Enhancing the well-being of men and communities.”
You can reach us at the email address

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023

In this episode we explore biomimicry, the bridge between biology and design.  We talk with Janine about how using nature-inspired strategies can help mankind solve many of the most pressing problems of our time.  Through her consultancy Biomimicry 3.8,  Janine works with large corporations and organizations to change their relationships with the built environment.  By looking attentively at nature, she helps them design ecological performance standards for their infrastructure which allow them to produce ecosystem services. These ecological gifts and flows are what you discover when studying healthy regenerative ecosystems.
Our guest Janine Benyus is an American biologist, innovation consultant and author of the groundbreaking book Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature.  She is co-founder of Biomimicry 3.8 a world leading bio-inspired consultancy B Corporation. She is also co-founder of the Biomimicry Institute, a bridge between biology and design, advancing the adoption of nature-inspired strategies to create more sustainable, efficient resilient and regenerative products and systems.  Janine has introduced millions to Biomimicry through her inspiring Ted Talks, keynote speeches and documentaries. 
We would like to thank our sponsors Elders Action Network “Building a movement of elders to address the environmental, governance and social issues of our time“ and Blueprint “Enhancing the well-being of men and communities.”
You can reach us at the email address

Sunday Jan 29, 2023

In this episode we explore the role of business in moving the paradigm from sustainability to regeneration in our response to the crises of our time.    Focused on profit, market share and growth, corporations have rightfully earned much of the distrust that the public feel.  Continuous growth on a finite planet appears ludicrous to many now. Can businesses and corporations reinvent themselves for the challenges of 21st century?  In this far-reaching podcast we explore how the organization Sustainable Life Media/ Sustainable Brands has been at the forefront of leading the way to help corporations become more sustainable and regenerative.  We learn how businesses often have more flexibility, international reach, and resources to lead change initiatives than governments do.
Our guest, KoAnn Vikoren Skrzyniaz is Founder and CEO of Sustainable Life Media/Sustainable Brands.  She describes founding the organization because she and few others saw the need for business to adopt systems thinking and address sustainability.  A long-time friend of our hosts Dr. John Izzo and Alain Guathier, she was instrumental in bringing them together which ultimately resulted in this podcast.  Prior to launching Sustainable Life Media in 2004, KoAnn lead a boutique consultancy for 2 years and worked 18 years in business-to-business media.
You can reach us at our email address  You can listen to our podcast on Podbeam or Apple Podcasts.
We would like to thank our sponsors Elders Action Network and Blueprint NGO.  Elders Action Network is building a movement of elders to address the environmental, governance and social issues of our time.

Sunday Jan 08, 2023

In this episode we explore the role of men and boys in a positive way forward. It is often said that men and the traditional masculine patriarchal model play a significant role in the creation and the persistence of the most crucial problems humanity now faces. Men and boys are falling behind across the globe with higher rates of death by suicide and addiction, increased homelessness, and decreased life expectancy. In this far-reaching podcast we explore what is happening with men and boys while having an important conversation about how men can become an even greater force for good in the way forward.
Our guest, Dr. David Kuhl, is a physician, author and co-founder of an NGO based at the University of British Columbia called Blueprint. After decades of practicing medicine including time as a pioneer in end-of-life care, Dr. Kuhl put down his stethoscope to dedicate himself to enhance the integrity and wellbeing of men and boys for the benefit of families and communities. He is the author of “What Dying People Want” and has been a guest on the Oprah show. He is doing leading edge research on the positive impact of Fathers.
You can reach us at our email address  You can listen to our podcast on Podbeam or Apple Podcasts.
We would like to thank our sponsors Elders Action Network and Blueprint NGO.  Elders Action Network is building a movement of elders to address the environmental, governance and social issues of our time. .  Blueprint is catalyzing a global conversation about the state and impact of men in the world.  Together they are mobilizing men to be a force for good. 

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